Monday, November 13, 2006

"Teach Peace"

The evening of Nov 10th was special. I got to have dinner with Cath. There aren't really many people in my life who's history with my reaches back 30 years. Cath is one of those special people who knows me from that playful time in college when we were all naive and invincible. Life got much more complex over three decades.

But the greatest reason for my annual trek to Camp Pendleton is stepping out of the grinder of life. And taking Cath out to giggle and be silly for a few hours like the kids we were so long ago is one of my purest pleasures. It's important to recharge your spirit.

Cath's car still has "teach peace" on the bumper. My car is still a post card example of a proper "NRA gun truck." Kate's dining room table is no longer our friendship circle's common ground barring a long detour to Missouri. A French restaurant in downtown Escondido makes for a pretty good substitute. We did confuse the waiter by taking much too long to order because we were giggling too much.

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